Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to all your frequently asked questions regarding Physiotherapy and answers by Healyos Eperts

You get relaxing pulsating oscillations. There is no light, rays, heat etc. During therapy you feel that your muscles are becoming soft and supple.

Your stiffness is getting reduced, there is significant reduction in pain and improved range of movement.

Our body consists 45% of skeletal muscles, this is hugest organ of body. According to dr. Randoll muscles are the processors of our body. When these muscles become stiff the support becomes uneven. Matrix rhythm therapy relaxes the muscles and provide environment for normal shape of the body.

Matrix rhythm therapy is developed by dr. U. G. Randoll in germany. This therapy is based on his research in cell biology.

Dr. Randoll confirmed that cells are rhythmically pulsating in frequency of 8-12 hz in normal healthy condition. During unhealthy situation these movements are slowed down. Matrix rhythm

Therapy provides pulsations in same frequency to synchronize and reset the disturbed cell rhythm. That helps to re establish extra cellular logistics that is removal of waste products and improve micro circulation of oxygenated blood. Relaxes muscle and enhance process of regeneration and healing.

Keep the wound clean and dry. Clean the area carefully and pat dry. 
Be careful! The wound is still healing, so stretching it too much can make it open up again. 
Apply medications and ointments as directed. Our doctors are qualified and will be communicating with your surgeon to ensure your wound heals as well and fast as possible

All of our doctors are in communication with your surgeon to determine the best possible treatment for you. They will remove the sutures, provide after care and make sure you know what to do in the days following the removal.

It may increase the risk of infection and prolong your healing time.There will be increased scarring.

Healyo's highly qualified doctors bring all the necessary supplies with them, and any extra requirements are communicated well before the scheduled appointment.

If the wound has fully healed, then yes. If not, some stitches will be left in place and removed at a later date.

  • Fluid or pus coming from the wound.
  • Redness and swelling.
  • Reddish streaks in the skin around the incision. 
  • Fever, chills or increased pain.

You will feel some pulling, but it is generally less painful and faster than having stitches out in! Our skilled doctors bring skilled suture removal services to your doorstep - call today!

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